Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Considered Effective and More Economical Than Epidural during Treatment of Herniated Disc Discomfort

Herniated Disc Treatment in Arlington

Herniated discs have burdened uncounted people that have been treated in our Arlington practice. Fortunately, Jefferson Spine & Injury Center has assisted a lot of them rebound speedily and more adequately. Herniated discs, also known as "slipped discs", can be treated with several different strategies.

If you are suffering with irritation because of a herniated disc, then you are likely wondering which choice will provide the best outcome for you. To help you in finding an answer to that question, let's review two of the most popularly employed therapies: chiropractic/manipulative therapy and epidural.

A Study Compared Results from Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) and Nerve Root Injections (NRI)

A group of researchers from Switzerland recruited 102 patients, all having had chronically herniated discs verified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Each patient selected had previously undergone ninety days of care through other applicable treatment options with no satisfaction.

The group of individuals was split into two groups. The first half of the patients were treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation treatment (chiropractic adjustments). The rest of people in the study were provided nerve root injections (epidural).

The researchers obtained data regarding the pain levels of every person in advance of the care administered at the time of the research. Subsequently, 30 days following treatment, individuals rated their disc herniation discomfort on the same scoring system as before. The difference between the two grades was applied to gauge how effective the intervention may have been for relieving pain.

What did the research find in regards to spinal adjustments compared to nerve root injections?

Over 76 percent of the participants who were given chiropractic care scored a positive change in their discomfort. In the other group, fewer than 63% of the individuals who were given epidurals recorded a minimization in discomfort. The data indicate that chiropractic care may be more successful when caring for to remediate herniated disc pain.

And, there is more. In addition to providing a greater count of individuals greatly appreciated pain relief, researchers also gleaned that spinal manipulation was more affordable. Epidural treatments approximately cost $730 per a single participant. The chiropractic care ran less than $560 for the same duration. This type of savings may surely assist with your medical expenses. Spending less may make it easier to seek care of your disc herniation pain without added stress.

If you are interested in a better chance of pain relief and fewer costs when it comes to your herniated disc care, give Jefferson Spine & Injury Center a call today at (703) 933-9000 to schedule an appointment.


Peterson, CK et al. (2013, May). Symptomatic magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed lumbar disk herniation patients: a comparative effectiveness prospective observational study of 2 age-and sex-matched cohorts treated with either high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy or image-guided lumbar nerve root injections. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 36(4), 218-225, doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.04.005

October 21, 2024

Dr. Holcombe, D.C.